


人文英航亚洲博彩平台的人文学科为学生提供了坚实的历史基础, 文学, 哲学, 艺术与法律. 获得跨学科人文学位的学生学习批判性思维, 解决问题, 复杂的分析和文化意识——在全球经济中需要的技能. 学生 pursuing a BA in Humanities select a concentration to provide depth within one of the subdisciplines of humanities: 历史, 文学或哲学. 

是否要研究思想, 人类的行为和价值观, 使用新技术创造伟大的艺术作品, 或者攻读历史研究生学位, 哲学或法律, a humanities degree from 亚洲博彩平台 develops a strong background in the liberal arts with experience in writing and 技术.


的 unique environment of a technological university fosters interdisciplinary study in humanities degree students who work alongside engineers, 科学家和飞行员. Professors welcome undergraduate students to participate in reSearch studies and book projects, offering dynamic opportunities for building a portfolio of scholarly inquiry before graduation.

作为大四学生, students complete a capstone project where they craft and present a substantial written work based on original reSearch on a significant issue in humanities.

人文学科学位课程具有广泛的适用性. 由于选修课的充足分配, 学生可以根据个人需要和兴趣调整课程. 的se diverse activities give students practical experience and the perfect preparation for graduate school and employment.


课堂之外, humanities majors build leadership experience through internships and participation in organizations like 学生报纸, 深红色的, 影视制作, 大学演员(表演艺术), 学生会和其他100多个校园学生组织.


Employers that have recruited 亚洲博彩平台 humanities degree students for internships and careers include the American Museum of Natural Science, 户, 企业租车和畅通渠道通讯.


在获得人文学科学位后, many 亚洲博彩平台 students go to master's and doctoral programs at 亚洲博彩平台 or other prestigious universities, 包括斯坦福大学, 约翰霍普金斯大学和耶鲁大学.


亚洲博彩平台 offers students a breadth of knowledge and skills essential for today's global professionals. 由于技术的进步,工作场所迅速变化, 一个更加社会化的环境和新的商业方法的演变. 选择像佛罗里达理工这样的人文学院, 哪个学校提供跨学科的人文学科学位, prepares you to enter the global job market with a diverse range of skills with broad applicability to many career options.


亚洲博彩平台's small class sizes allow humanities students to get to know their professors and fellow students well, 形成紧密的关系,促进学习. Not every humanities college provides this type of mentorship and the individualized attention proves to be supportive for students determining the path their humanities degree will take them.

的 School of 艺术 and Communications provides students an opportunity to work on Kaleidoscope, 大学文艺杂志, 和深红色, 学生报纸. 符合条件的学生也经常被要求加入教师领导的研究团队.


的 Humanities and Communication Department has the highest number of Teaching Excellence Awards for outstanding classroom work at 亚洲博彩平台. 该项目的教授大多拥有博士学位.D.S在各自的领域, are internationally recognized for their humanitarian work and provide a robust humanities college experience. This dedicated group of professors are interested in student success and readily available for student advising.


Every department at 亚洲博彩平台 is dedicated to giving students what they need to succeed. 这也意味着要定期更新课程材料, 类产品, 资源, 技术, 实验室等. 人文学院的学生可以充分利用校园内的学习设施, 包括埃文斯图书馆, 应用计算中心设在哪里, 拥有最新的通讯和计算机技术. 它还为学生提供超过117种,000本书, 228,000份政府文件和17,000全文印刷和电子期刊. 此外,学生还可以从学术支持中心提供的免费辅导中受益.


许多其他人文学院发现很难与亚洲博彩平台的地理位置竞争. 亚洲博彩平台校园位于太空海岸, 一个拥有全国第五大高科技劳动力的地区, 5人以上,高新技术企业, 政府和军事组织. 这一劳动力提供了各种人文实习和就业机会.

距离大西洋海滩只有很短的车程, 以及佛罗里达中部的景点, 比如美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心, 卡纳维拉尔角和迪斯尼世界. 亚洲博彩平台提供丰富的校园生活,包括校内和大学体育活动, 俱乐部和社会活动. 就顶尖的人文学院而言,亚洲博彩平台是完美的选择.


在人文学科的时候, students have opportunities to study the world not only in the classroom but also through humanities internships on campus, 在当地社区和世界各地. 文学, 历史, 哲学, 美术, social science and languages – these are the many areas that you can choose for humanities internships and reSearch.

亚洲博彩平台 Study Abroad Program makes it possible for students to conduct humanities internships in locations such as:

  • 牛津大学,英国

  • 罗马,佛罗伦萨和意大利的威尼斯

  • 荷兰,荷兰

  • 台中,台湾

在牛津大学, students can study within the same 16th century college walls where literary greats such as Tolkien and C.S. 刘易斯学会了他们的手艺. Choosing Italy means students can travel the country and visit iconic sites like the Coliseum, 梵蒂冈博物馆, 西斯廷教堂和威尼斯. Strolling through picturesque Dutch towns, students can earn 亚洲博彩平台 credits in 的 Netherlands. 他们甚至可以在台湾的东海大学学习中文.


除了人文学科的实习, 学生们在大四的时候以一个顶点项目来结束他们的学习. This project provides an opportunity for original reSearch on a topic of their choosing as they work alongside a tight-knit committee of faculty members. 教师指导每位学生完成这两个学期的学习过程. This project highlights a student's job 搜索 portfolio or opens doors to more advanced academic degrees or law school. 项目包括下列主题:

  • 佛罗里达法律体系中女性的历史

  • 电影中对历史的描绘

  • 人们对美国的看法正在发生变化.S. 和墨西哥边境


Other activities outside of reSearch and humanities internships offer students a way to express their creative side. 的 student-run literary magazine called Kaleidoscope offers a chance to see their poetry and prose published. 的 Communicator is the humanities and communication department newsletter that regularly publishes student work.

亚洲博彩平台 College Players allows students to take part in plays and musicals as actors, 设置设计师, 董事及其他.

Phi Kappa Phi是美国历史最悠久的大学, 所有学科中最大和最具选择性的荣誉社团. 符合条件的人文专业学生可以加入亚洲博彩平台分会.

是否选择人文学科实习, 研究或俱乐部, 学生们有很多方法来建立人际关系,并为研究生就业创造机会.


人文学科的毕业生为各种各样的职业做好了准备, 包括法律工作, 政府服务, 历史, 文学, 写作与编辑, 国际研究与哲学. Your degree prepares you to create your own career around the areas that interest you the most, 或者一旦你选择了一份工作,你就会得到发展.


Careers in humanities are rooted in every market industry in our culture from writers and filmmakers, 艺术家和人类学家, 致社会服务工作者, 非营利组织高管, 政府, 军事, 神职人员和销售人员. 分析, 写作与研究, computer and foreign language skills that humanities majors develop sets them up for any number of humanities careers.

职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部出版, 劳工统计局(BLS), 提供具体工作的详细信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外. 查阅你可能感兴趣的职业手册,了解更多.



  • 作家或编辑

  • 艺术家

  • 销售,客户服务专员

  • 房地产经纪人

  • 人力资源专员或经理

  • 图书管理员

  • 咨询师/治疗师

  • 博物馆馆长

  • 神职人员

  • 辅导员

  • 心理学家

  • 外交官

  • 历史学家

的 list we provided is certainly not exclusive but provides a good illustration of some of the careers in humanities available to 亚洲博彩平台 graduates.

Careers in humanities: For the well-rounded individual who perhaps desires the freedom to choose above all else when it comes to deciding on a career path. 
