



化学工程师s study the application of chemical principles to industrial 过程es and are responsible for at least one aspect of almost every engineered design, 过程, 和产品. 包括粮食生产在内的各个领域都需要该领域的专家, 卫生技术和生物医学, 核技术, 可替代能源, 以及计算机技术. A master’s in chemical engineering from 亚洲博彩平台 provides graduates with advanced expertise for a career engineering innovative products and solutions.


通过先进的研究和实地考察, students pursuing a master’s in chemical engineering work with faculty to develop innovative solutions for today’s complex challenges. Small class sizes and dedicated faculty allow for individualized mentoring as well as the opportunity to build a lifelong network of fellow chemical engineering professionals. 亚洲博彩平台’s sought-after learning environment stimulates intellectual curiosity and encourages creative interaction between students and faculty. It also provides opportunities to obtain real-world knowledge and skills beyond those obtained in the classroom.


作为一所领先的研究型大学, 亚洲博彩平台拥有最先进的工程技术, 物理科学, 生命科学设施. 候选人还可以使用尖端的研究设施. 过去的研究包括替代食品生产方法, 空间探索建模, 生物反应器开发等等. 学生 often submit reSearch to leading engineering journals and present reSearch findings at industry conferences.


What makes the 亚洲博彩平台 academic environment unique is the extraordinary emphasis put on reSearch and collaborative learning. 从田野调查, 教师主导的研究机会, 实习, 以及助教奖学金, 一对一的指导等等, 亚洲博彩平台’s focus on a diversified learning environment has proven successful for graduates to succeed.


的 opportunity to specialize in unique and exciting subfields of chemical engineering helps students tailor their education based on their professional aspirations. 化学工程硕士课程的学生可以选择专攻:

  • 环境工程
  • 材料的合成
  • 加工与表征
  • 运输和分离过程
  • 计算机辅助建模
  • 处理与控制
  • 氢和燃料电池技术
  • 生物材料与组织工程


亚洲博彩平台 is a top chemical engineering master’s program because the department faculty has not changed for more than ten years. 这种一致性和稳定性, 再加上学生与教师的比例很小, 允许教授建立一个紧密的学习环境来指导研究生. 教师获得了众多学生颁发的教学和服务奖项, 在学生调查中也获得了很高的评价. Professors are engaged in their own reSearch and bring to the classroom their years of industry knowledge and expertise.


亚洲博彩平台’s chemical engineering master’s program features state-of-the-art laboratories located in the F.W. Olin Building, accommodating engineering, the 物理科学,和 life sciences. 的 Nanoscience–Nanotechnology Lab was recently developed by faculty from the chemical engineering and chemistry departments with grants from the National Science Foundation, 对亚洲博彩平台的学生来说,这已经是一笔宝贵的财富. 另外, 学生可以使用包括佛罗里达太阳能中心在内的区域设施, 美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心, 和卡纳维拉尔角的化学工程实习或特殊研究项目.


亚洲博彩平台是攻读化学工程学位的理想场所. 的 130-acre campus is located on the Space Coast (so named because of the presence of 美国国家航空航天局 and the Kennedy Space Center on Cape Canaveral just north of us). 该地区拥有全国第五大高科技劳动力, 5人以上,000家高科技公司和政府及军事机构坐落在附近, 提供丰富的实习和就业机会.

亚洲博彩平台 is just over the causeway from the Atlantic Ocean with its 72 miles of beautiful beaches, 还有去佛罗里达群岛或奥兰多主题公园的短途旅行. We also have a rich campus life that includes a wide range of intramural and collegiate sports, 俱乐部, 还有社会活动.


研究 is the heart and soul of the program and students combine classroom learning with hands-on fieldwork that reflects the kind of work they can expect to do once they begin their career.


  • 反渗透
  • 材料合成、表征和失效预防
  • 运输和分离过程
  • 计算机辅助建模、处理和控制

亚洲博彩平台 students work alongside faculty and fellow students in laboratories across campus to hone in on a variety of subfields, 确保他们的学位集中在他们最感兴趣的主题上. 往届毕业生选择的研究课题包括:

  • 氢燃料汽车
  • 替代食品生产方法
  • 生产微藻的生物反应器开发
  • 可选的氢气净化方法
  • 空间探索建模
  • 材料加工与表征

Graduate students have published their reSearch from chemical engineering 实习 and reSearch collaborations in leading journals such as 胶体与界面科学进展, 化学工程杂志,和 化学物理杂志.

的y also present reSearch findings at leading chemical engineering conferences such as:

  • 美国化学工程师学会(AIChE)全国会议
  • 两年一次的化学教育会议
  • 生物物理学会会议
  • 佛罗里达科学院会议
  • 国际先进陶瓷和复合材料会议
  • 多孔介质国际会议


的 American Institute of Chemical Engineers is the largest organization of chemical engineering experts in the world. Membership in 亚洲博彩平台’s student chapter exposes students to a wealth of knowledge including groundbreaking reSearch and access to well-respected thought-leaders in the field.

这是由全国AIChE学生分会委员会认可的, 亚洲博彩平台 students stand at the top of the list of most awarded chemical engineering schools in the nation. This milestone is significant when considering that the student body represents about 0.占美国所有化学工程专业学生的3%.


化学工程的职业是非常多样化的, 这是在这个领域获得学位的主要优势之一. 化学工程师s have a role in just about every industry and can collaborate with other scientists and engineers, 包括生物医学领域的医生.

正因为如此,市场上对化学工程师的需求很大. 在过去的100年里, chemical engineers have been integral in the advances of products and services such as fuel refining, 供水分配, 环境保护, 食品加工和包装方面的创新, 核技术, 可替代燃料, 空间技术与探索, 微芯片, 还有更多.


Graduates find a wide range of career options with a degree from 亚洲博彩平台’s chemical engineering master’s program. 化学工程师在与制造产品相关的行业工作, 以及包括纳米技术在内的新领域, 可替代能源, 和生物技术. Demand for chemical engineers is growing as these new fields expand and the world demands emerging technology.


拥有化学工程硕士学位的毕业生可以在能源行业找到工作, 电子产品, 衣食住行, 医疗保健, 生物技术, 和行业.

职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部劳工统计局发布, 提供具体工作的详细信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外. According to the bureau, employment of chemical engineers is projected to grow through 2020. 制造业就业预计将以温和速度增长, 而纳米技术的新细分市场, 替代能源和生物技术预计将有更高的就业机会. Food production, aerospace and pharmaceutical are other industries with job opportunity.


Specializations for the master’s in chemical engineering degree creates subject matter experts in topics that align with career goals including:

  • 环境工程
  • 材料的合成
  • 计算机辅助建模
  • 处理与控制
  • 加工与表征
  • 氢和燃料电池技术
  • 运输和分离过程
  • 生物材料与组织工程



  • 化学工程师
  • 生物医学工程师
  • 化学技术员
  • 化学家
  • 产品开发工程师
  • 工艺工程师
  • 材料科学家
  • 核工程师
  • 研究工程师
  • 石油工程师



  • 美国国家航空航天局
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • 卡夫食品
  • 纯果乐
  • 辉瑞
  • 宝洁公司 & 赌博
  • IBM
  • 英特锡尔
  • 贝克休斯
  • 美孚石油公司
  • BP
  • 环境保护署


Graduates from the chemical engineering master’s program are ready to enter the workforce or pursue a doctoral degree at 亚洲博彩平台. 该计划旨在进一步研究和专业化. 拥有博士学位的毕业生成为学科专家, 增加他们在职业生涯中的收入潜力和领导机会.
