


9:00am: 工程与科学学院本科生

1:00pm: 比斯克商学院(所有学生)


5:00pm: 航空学院(全体学生)



由于空间限制, the university respectfully requests 客人 to attend only the ceremony in which their candidate is participating.


所有学生必须报到 不迟于指定时间. Once you have entered the area, please remain seated and follow all instructions very carefully. 报到前请先处理好个人事务.

座位安排和仪式的准备工作很重要. During the ceremony, students will be recognized for their accomplishments.




Neither food nor beverages are permitted in or around the ceremony area. 这一禁令对含酒精饮料强制适用, the presence of which is illegal and will lead to eviction from the Commencement Ceremony.


All candidates must report wearing appropriate academic attire (cap and gown).
本科生: 一定要把流苏系在帽子上,挂在右边.



The number of tickets each candidate is allotted is limited by the venue’s seating capacity and by the number of graduates participating in the ceremony.

扩展研究候选人 attending the Melbourne campus commencement will receive an email regarding their guest tickets once they have reported their intent to attend the exercise.

亚洲博彩平台在线考生 attending the Melbourne campus commencement will receive an email regarding their guest tickets once they have reported their intent to attend the exercise.

孩子们 欢迎出席毕业典礼吗. 所有的孩子都必须有票才能参加.

Due to limited space, it is recommended that strollers are left at home. 没有婴儿车停放或存储可用. 如果必须使用婴儿车,请通过入口进入毕业典礼场地 预留及住宿座位 求助入口.

记住,毕业典礼是很拥挤的, with minimal space to move around freely and may prove to be a challenging environment for small children. 


如果你聚会上的客人需要特殊的座位, 请与毕业办公室联系,地址是


两张照片将由专业摄影师拍摄, 一个是当你拿到毕业证书的时候, 另一个是在你离开舞台的时候. 您可以通过以下方式与他们联系 800-261-2576 在美国是免费的.S.), 800-372-3686 (在加拿大免费)或 641-472-8000 来自美国以外的.S. 或者加拿大,或者美国 GradImages®.


To receive an associate or bachelor’s degree, a cumulative 亚洲博彩平台 grade point average of 2.0或更高. In the case of a student seeking two or more associate or bachelor’s degrees (see “Dual Majors and Additional 度”), 项目GPA不低于2分.在授予学位的每个项目中都需要0分, 总绩点不低于2分.0 that is required for the award of any associate or bachelor’s degree (see “Grade Point Average” for the definitions of program and overall GPA).

A student is not permitted to graduate unless all financial obligations have been satisfied. All program requirements must be completed no later than 24 hours before commencement exercises. Program requirements completed after the deadline will cause a delay in the awarding of the degree.

学生 should petition to graduate and attend the commencement ceremony for the term program requirements are met. Melbourne campus and Extended Studies students attend the spring ceremony if requirements are met in spring, 夏季仪式,如果满足要求,在夏季, 如果在秋季达到要求,就举行秋季典礼.

亚洲博彩平台在线 students participate in the Melbourne commencement ceremony in spring if they satisfy requirements during Spring–1 or Spring–2, the summer ceremony if they satisfy requirements during Summer–1 or Summer–2 and the fall ceremony if they satisfy requirements during Fall–1 or Fall–2.

所有必需的文件,如课程替代表, 转移信用, defense or final program examinations must be received by the graduation office (undergraduates) or Office of Graduate 项目 (graduate students) by the second Monday before the end of the semester in order for the candidate to participate in the commencement ceremony.


Certification of graduation will not occur until all academic requirements for your degree are fulfilled and you have paid all financial obligations to the university. 请检查 爪子 for last-minute charges, such as telephone fees, that may have been applied to your account. These charges are usually not posted until Thursday of the final exam week. Be certain to check with the 安全 Office for unpaid traffic/parking fines and with the 图书馆 for book charges.

Remember, it is your responsibility to clear outstanding charges on your account. You will not be mailed your diploma or have your degree posted to your academic record until all outstanding debts to the university have been paid.

大学 不提供毕业结业信. Verification of degree completion is reflected on the student’s official transcript.

A degree audit for each candidate petition is officiated by the Office of the Registrar. This process determines the completion of degree requirements for each candidate. Completion (verification) information is available only on an official transcript once the audit is final.

Candidates receive specific date information about the availability of certification/verification information on their official transcript through their 亚洲博彩平台 email account regularly during the term for which they have petitioned to graduate. 日期可能会有变动. 
