Burrell College at Florida Tech Melbourne FL Campus

Osteopathic Medicine Pathway Program

有兴趣成为医生的学生被邀请申请入读亚洲博彩平台/伯勒尔骨科医学院骨科医学衔接课程(OMPP), open to 50 students per year.

这一独特的计划为那些坚定致力于骨科医学的学生创造了进入医学院的途径,并为服务不足的人群带来了医疗服务和卓越. 被OMPP录取的学生将接受全面的课程,旨在磨练他们的技能,点燃他们作为未来医生的激情.

Florida Tech students accepted into the OMPP will:

  • Work with a mentor, receiving personalized guidance.
  • Access to exclusive events.
  • 与伯勒尔学院的医生、教育工作者和学生互动.
  • 在成功完成亚洲博彩平台的学士学位并成功完成OMPP后,申请并直接接受伯勒尔学院的骨科医学博士课程.

Requirements to Apply to the OMPP - Freshmen

  1. 目前是亚洲博彩平台的全日制大一学生.
  2. Have a cumulative science GPA of 3.0 or higher and cumulative overall GPA of 3.25 or higher.
  3. 同意伯勒尔学院最低技术标准 Burrell College Catalog 申请人申请伯勒尔学院的录取周期
  4. 同意遵守伯勒尔学院的入学条件 Burrell College Catalog 申请人申请伯勒尔学院的录取周期, 包括但不限于公民身份或永久居民身份, passing criminal history checks, drug screenings, and immunization records.
  5. Have no prior academic or legal sanctions, infractions, probations, conduct violations, misdemeanors, disciplinary actions or felonies.

The Florida Tech Burrell College OMPP Application for Freshmen is now available.

Submitting Your Application

Submit your completed application (as one complete packet) to Florida Tech.

所有的包裹都必须盖上邮戳,邮寄或亲手交给博士. Nunes at Florida Tech by 5:00 p.m. EST on March 29, 2024.

Mailing Address:

Dr. Kenia Nunes
150 W. University Boulevard
Melbourne, FL 32901

Drop-off Location and Times:

Dr. Kenia Nunes
Florida Tech Life Sciences Building (OLS)
Room 101 (Department of Biomedical Engineering & Sciences)
Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Applying to the OMPP

申请通过亚洲博彩平台指定的OMPP代表提交. 候选人必须在1月11日至12日之间提交完整的亚洲博彩平台/BCOM OMPP申请. 3月1日和他们在亚洲博彩平台一年级的最后一个工作日.

The OMPP application must include:

  1. 关于学生为什么希望从事整骨医学职业的个人陈述, not to exceed 5,000 characters (including spaces).
  2. Two letters of recommendation:
    • Written by an academic adviser, science professor, employment supervisor, high school teacher, or volunteer work supervisor.
    • 打印在官方抬头的信纸上(如果有的话),由推荐人直接提交给亚洲博彩平台的OMPP代表.

所有申请材料由亚洲博彩平台的OMPP代表接收和处理. 符合条件的申请人将被考虑进入OMPP. 进入OMPP的最终选择将基于概述的标准,并将由亚洲博彩平台和伯勒尔学院的代表组成的选择委员会自行决定. If admitted into the OMPP, 参与者必须在亚洲博彩平台期间保持既定标准,以便有资格最终接受BCOM的骨科医学博士课程. 如果不符合设定的标准,参赛者将被从OMPP中删除.

Maintaining OMPP Eligibility

Florida Tech students accepted into the OMPP must:

  1. 在每个春季学期结束时公布成绩后,与亚洲博彩平台OMPP代表和伯勒尔学院招生办公室一起参加联合规划会议.
  2. 每学期注册前参加亚洲博彩平台OMPP代表的计划会议.
  3. Maintain full-time enrollment status with at least 15 semester hours at Florida Tech each semester; complete a bachelor's degree in a maximum of four years.
  4. Achieve a cumulative science and overall GPA of 3.25 on a 4.在OMPP的第一年和第二年(大二和大三)进行0量表。.
  5. Achieve a cumulative science and overall GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale at the time of graduation.
  6. Complete all requisite coursework set forth in the Burrell College Catalog 在申请伯勒尔学院的录取周期中,申请人在亚洲博彩平台的第一次尝试中获得“B”或更高的成绩.
  7. 在亚洲博彩平台三年级期间签署伯勒尔学院的承诺书.
  8. Receive a score of 500 or higher, with no sub-sections lower than the 15th percentile, on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).
  9. Accrue relevant medical, non-medical, and community volunteer experience; a minimum of 100 hours of medical experience.
  10. Remain in good legal and academic standing (any sanctions, infractions, probations, conduct violations, misdemeanors or felonies, disciplinary actions, etc. 必须立即报告给OMPP代表进行审查).
  11. 同意伯勒尔学院最低技术标准 Burrell College Catalog 申请人申请伯勒尔学院的录取周期.
  12. 同意遵守伯勒尔学院的入学条件 Burrell College Catalog 申请人申请伯勒尔学院的录取周期, 包括但不限于公民身份或永久居民身份, passing criminal history checks, drug screenings, and immunization records.

如果在任何时候一个OMPP参与者不符合设定的标准或标准, the participant will be removed from the OMPP. 从OMPP中移除的参与者将收到通知并收到退出通知. 这些学生仍然有资格申请伯勒尔骨科医学院 AACOMAS Application.

Final Application to Burrell College

In their senior year, OMPP参与者必须通过以下方式向伯勒尔骨科医学院申请 AACOMAS美国骨科医学院集中在线申请服务.S. and designate Burrell College. 被邀请完成二次申请的学生将提供他们的首选校园, either New Mexico or Florida. 在这个时候,他们必须满足所有的入学要求 Burrell College Catalog for the admission cycle in which the candidate is applying, 包括可能未在OMPP文件中具体披露的任何要求, and follow the set admission process, 包括伯勒尔学院医学院学生招生委员会的面试和审查.

未参加OMPP的学生应通过以下方式申请伯勒尔学院的入学 AACOMAS and contact the Burrell College Office of Admissions with any questions.

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